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Welcome to Baltic FAB airspace!

Innovative partnership for harmony in the sky

It‘s all about the airspace customer. In Baltic FAB we believe that joint is greater than single. Cooperation is better than competition. Innovative is more effective than stagnant.
We work together to make you perform successfully in the joint skies of Lithuania and Poland.

Main stats

Total controlled airspace (sq km) 410 126
Traffic growth 2017/2018 10%
Number of airports in area 19
Total number of Flights (2018) 906 200

Core work

BALTIC FAB is the bridge between EAST – WEST and NORTH - SOUTH traffic flows in Central Europe. Managed by PANSA and Oro Navigacija, we handle about one million flights annually. The main objective is to achieve the maximum capacity and efficiency of the air traffic management network, which translates directly into achieving the reduction in aircraft fuel consumption and the reduction of CO2 emissions while maintaining high safety levels.
Key Priorities
Safer airspace
More efficient operations
Bigger capacity, delay reduction
Environmental preservation

Safer airspace

More efficient operations

Bigger capacity, delay reduction

Saving environment